Healthy Box is closed from 21 December 2024 to 12 February 2025. All current and new subscriptions will resume starting 12 February 2025.

Where are our veggies from?

Local farms

Located in and around Victoria

Artisanal producers

Award-winning eggs and bread

Food innovators

A Grocery Surprise every week!

Meet our suppliers.

Get up close and personal with the farmers and food producers we work with.

Hi, I'm Andrew.

When I was setting up the shop an elderly lady walked past and asked what the shop was going to be. "Furniture shop,” I replied. Looking disappointed, she said “We don’t want furniture, we want bread.”

Several years later, I realised she was right – and Healthy Fresh Food Boxes was born.

I increasingly see quality organic food as one of the most beneficial things we can put our money towards – for the planet, our communities, our families, and our health. Since starting Healthy Fresh Food Boxes in early 2019, my own cooking has improved through the introduction of unique veggies, a better understanding of flavours like yuzu, soy, and apple cider vinegar.

In the future, I hope to start a food forest close to Melbourne that will supplement the boxes with biodynamically grown fruits, berries, nuts, and more.
